Sample of the Excecutive Board
Latino Deaf and Hard of Hearing Association of the Metropolitan DC Area, Inc.
Executive Board Minutes
October 19, 2007
LDHHAMDC Members Present:
Franklin C. Torres, Elvia Guillermo, Leticia Arellano and Victor Minaya
LDHHAMDC Members Absent:
Siblia Munoz (excused)
Call to Order:
The meeting was located in HMB #215. It began at 12:19 p.m.
Reading and approval of the minutes:
Elvia moved to approve the September 4, 2007 minutes as corrected.
Reports from Officers & Standing Committees
A. President – Franklin C. Torres
B. Vice President – Elvia Guillermo
C. Treasurer
D. Secretary – Leticia Arellano
E. At Large – Sibila Muñoz
F. At Large –
G. Editor – Norma Morán
H. Social/Recreation - Nella Ramos
Old Business:
New Business:
Executive Board Minutes
October 19, 2007
LDHHAMDC Members Present:
Franklin C. Torres, Elvia Guillermo, Leticia Arellano and Victor Minaya
LDHHAMDC Members Absent:
Siblia Munoz (excused)
Call to Order:
The meeting was located in HMB #215. It began at 12:19 p.m.
Reading and approval of the minutes:
Elvia moved to approve the September 4, 2007 minutes as corrected.
Reports from Officers & Standing Committees
A. President – Franklin C. Torres
- Talked with Mr. Rogelio Fernandez through videophone about getting and setting up a SERVRS for LDHHDCHH. Started to make some rough draft for the SERVRS logo.
- Investigated some information on the 501C3 form and thought that LDHHAMDC should have its own now.
- LDHHAMDC will host an indoor soccer tournament in November. I will ask some players or teams to play in the tournament.
B. Vice President – Elvia Guillermo
- Ricardo Lopez is very interested in involving with LDHH and wants to give a workshop on how to use library and resources to the LDHH members.
C. Treasurer
- The current balance is $2,392.66. (See attached dated on September 23, 2007 – October 19, 2007)
D. Secretary – Leticia Arellano
- No report
E. At Large – Sibila Muñoz
- N/A
F. At Large –
G. Editor – Norma Morán
- N/A
H. Social/Recreation - Nella Ramos
- N/A
Old Business:
- N/A
New Business:
- MO101907-01 Elvia (Leticia) moved that LDHHAMDC set up SERVRS opportunity. PASSED Task: Franklin Torres
- MO101907-02 Victor (Elvia) moved that LDHHAMDC pays me for homemade cake for our 2nd anniversary event). Tabled to next meeting
- MO101907-03 Elvia (Victor) moved that LDHHAMDC hosts for selling food and beverage for Soccer tourney. PASSED Task: Elvia Guillermo
- (Leticia) We will have a performance by Rare Entertainer as a Deaf, Hispanic Male, Micheal Davis sponsored by Black Deaf Student Union, Gallaudet University on Friday, November 9, 2007.
- (Franklin) We will have a general meeting on Friday, November 16, 2007. The Evite invitation will be distributed.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 pm.
Sample of the General Meeting
Latino Deaf and Hard of Hearing Association of the Metropolitan DC Area, Inc.
General Meeting
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Gallaudet University SAC #1010
Franklin Torres, Elvia Guillermo, Leticia Arellano, Sibila Munoz, Wally Barretto, Franklin E. Torres, Betty Torres, Victor Minaya, Diana Ledesma, Francisca Rangel, Delia Lozano-Martínez, Gabriel Arellano, Norma Moran, Ana De La Cruz, Jose Urrutia, Humberto Ramirez, Abenicio Martinez, Iris Gomes, and Rita Torres
Mario Ascencio, Eduardo Cabello III, Oscar Serna, Rogelio Fernandez, Carla Garcia, Kaori Tekeuchi, Joel Garcia, Alberto Paliza and Lya Rueda
Secretary Leticia Arellano was not able to find the November Minutes and asked all members to accept her apology for losing the Minutes. All members accepted her request. The Treasurer report from November 7 to November 16, 2007 showed that the balance was $3,742.55.
President – Franklin C. Torres
Vice President – Elvia Guillermo
Secretary – Leticia Arellano
No report
Treasurer – Victor Minaya
At-Large Member – Sibila Munoz
Editor – Norma Moran
Social Chairperson – Nella Ramos
Auditor – Danilo Torres
Old Business:
New Business
Member-At-Large: Jose Urruita
Auditor II: Abenicio Martinez
Social/Recreational Co-planner: Rita Torres
Workshop planner: Delia Lozano-Martinez
Fundraising co-chairpersons: Franklin E. Torres and Gabriel Arellano
Videotaping: Humberto Ramirez
General Meeting
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Gallaudet University SAC #1010
Franklin Torres, Elvia Guillermo, Leticia Arellano, Sibila Munoz, Wally Barretto, Franklin E. Torres, Betty Torres, Victor Minaya, Diana Ledesma, Francisca Rangel, Delia Lozano-Martínez, Gabriel Arellano, Norma Moran, Ana De La Cruz, Jose Urrutia, Humberto Ramirez, Abenicio Martinez, Iris Gomes, and Rita Torres
Mario Ascencio, Eduardo Cabello III, Oscar Serna, Rogelio Fernandez, Carla Garcia, Kaori Tekeuchi, Joel Garcia, Alberto Paliza and Lya Rueda
Secretary Leticia Arellano was not able to find the November Minutes and asked all members to accept her apology for losing the Minutes. All members accepted her request. The Treasurer report from November 7 to November 16, 2007 showed that the balance was $3,742.55.
President – Franklin C. Torres
- Revised/edited SERVRS Logo.
- PayPal Service has been done.
- All teams from the first annual Deaf Friendship Indoor Soccer Tournament enjoyed the tourney and thank you all for hosting the event that was on November 16, 2007.
- Hearing Health Publication editors contacted me for an interview that was published in their newsletter as well as information about the SER conference. The issue was published in Jan (winter issue)
- Member Maribel Robertson wanted to donate unopened toys for children at the holiday party.
- Created E-greeting card for Holidays Party with group picture of officers and sent out to the members’ email addresses.
- 501c3 cannot be done due to lack of evidence in the bylaws.
- Need to set up a special date and time for revisiting and revising the LDHH’s bylaws with officers and members.
- Uploaded and updated the Holidays Party into the website.
- Tickets for Six Flags, Barbara would like to set up the first meeting on Feb 1st. We need two people from LDHH to meet with her.
- Olga Vasquez is coordinator for Latina Closed Captioning. Let me know if you desire to have it for your favorite Latino TV programs. Let me know.
- I had been talking with Rogelio Fernandez in order to come here as a guest speaker related to SERVRS.
- Check the website for updated information!
Vice President – Elvia Guillermo
- I will give a workshop about Evite on Saturday, Feb 23, 2008
- Please inform me what kind of workshops/topics all of you (members) want to learn.
- I will need to set up a meeting with committees of editor (Norma Moran), social/recreational planer (Nella Ramos), photograph/videos (Sibila Munoz), Member at Large (Sibila Munoz), Auditor (Danilo Torres), and new committees
- We need to nominate for at large, Auditor II, co- planner for Social/recreational and Educational Workshop Planner. Please let me know if any of you are interested in the positions.
Secretary – Leticia Arellano
No report
Treasurer – Victor Minaya
- 1. The current balance is $5,014.31. (See attached dated on January 15, 2008 – January 26, 2008)
At-Large Member – Sibila Munoz
- 1. I am planning to donate all TTY devices to the Latin countries in order to recognize LDHHAMDC as a charity. If you have TTY devices and you do not need them, please give them to me.
Editor – Norma Moran
- No Report
Social Chairperson – Nella Ramos
- No Report
Auditor – Danilo Torres
- No Report
Old Business:
- None
New Business
- MO012608-01 Victor (Wally) moved that LDHH is hosting a Deaf Cruise. The motion is tabled to next meeting.
- MO012608-02 Delia (Franklin E. Torres) moved that LDHH/NCHDHH support SER Senorita, Rachel Maziquel to attend to Deaf schools or programs and give a presentation. The motion is table to next meeting.
- MO012608-03 Elvia (Francisca) moved that we nominate members for new positions (Member-At-Large, Auditor II, Social/Relational Co-planner, Workshop planner, Fundraising chairperson and videotaping). PASSED.
Member-At-Large: Jose Urruita
Auditor II: Abenicio Martinez
Social/Recreational Co-planner: Rita Torres
Workshop planner: Delia Lozano-Martinez
Fundraising co-chairpersons: Franklin E. Torres and Gabriel Arellano
Videotaping: Humberto Ramirez
- 1. (Leticia) Deaf Women of Color Conference will be on March 1 & 2, 2008 at Gallaudet University at Ole Jim. If interested, please see me after the meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.